The structures of complexes of Chromium(III) with cystine and ethylglycine


  • Lina A. Chernushenko Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine
  • Anastasiya V. Kislicina Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine



chrom, complex connections, aminoacides


It has been investigated the electronic spectra of complex compounds of chromium(III) with amino acids as bidentate coordinated in compound (I) and as monodentate coordinated in compound (II) in solution. Three-ethyl glycinate and three-cystinate have the octahedral structure. Two bands of transition were observed in the visible part of the spectrum 4Т1g¬4A2g  and 4Т2g¬4A2g, one band of transition was observed in UV- spectrum, 4Т1g(Р)¬4A2g. It was submitted the results of calculations of crystal field parameters: Dq = 1790 cm-1, В = 560.57 cm-1 and b = 0.54 for compound (I), Dq = 1786 cm-1, В = 504.53sm-1 and b = 0.49 for compound (II). The computer three-dimensional models of structure of such chromium(III) complexes as three-cystinate chromium (III) and three-chromium glycinate were created. Quantum-chemical modeling programs Chemcraft and WinGAMESS were used. Angles and bond lengths were calculated.


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