



V. S. Finkelstein, physical chemistry, electrochemistry of non-aqueous solutions, solvation, heterogeneous catalysis.


The article is dedicated to the well-known scholar in the area of physical chemistry, associate member of the Academy of Science of Ukraine, one of the pioneers of study of electrochemical processes in Dnipropetrovsk University. Basic stages of life and scientific activity of V. S. Finkelstein are discussed; special attention is paid to the period of his work in the Institute of Physical Chemistry, which was located in Dnipropetrovsk at that time. His main area of scientific research was electrochemistry of solutions and heterogeneous catalysis. He studied properties of non-aqueous solutions, processes of solvation and complex formation of ions in solutions of electrolytes, as well as investigated the process of catalytic synthesis of ammonia. Studying nature of solvate complexes of halides, Arsenic in particular, in non-aqueous solutions, he proved that such complexes appear as a result of the dipoles of solvent co-operating with the field of ion of central atom, but not due to the directed valences. Taking into account the results of his own experiments and researches of other authors, V. S. Finkelstein offered the scheme of intermolecular co-operations in solutions of electrolytes that united all the varieties of balances in solutions, known by that time. Such generalized chart did not always prove true, and therefore did not get further development. He also managed researches on the applied subjects executed for industrial enterprises. He is an author of about 40 scientific publications and a tutorial. He managed implementation of dissertations, participated actively in the work of scientific conferences and conventions. He managed departments in the Dnepropetrovsk University and the Institute of Chemical Technology, simultaneously holding a position of a vice-director and a manager of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Electrochemistry of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Academy of Science of Ukraine. In 1937 a scientist was arrested and accused of participating in counter-revolutionary Trotsky organization. Some circumstances related to the arrest and sentencing are discussed.

Author Biographies

Valerij S. Kovalenko, Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

кафедра фізичної та неорганічної хімії, доцент

Viktor F. Vargalyuk, Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

хімічний факультете, декан

Nadiia V. Stets, Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

кафедра фізичної та неорганічної хімії, доцент


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