academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine F. O. Chmylenko, analytical chemistry, analytical signal theory, sonoluminescence spectrophotometry, ultrasound sample preparation, microwave sample preparation, plasma, noble metals, polyelectrolytesAbstract
The creative path of the outstanding Ukrainian chemist, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Fedor Chmilenko who is well-known for his work in the field of analytical chemistryis highlighted in this paper. The stages of his becoming, as a prominent scientist, the main scientific achievements of students, which are obtained under his leadership, are given. The basic achievements of the basic directions of his scientific research are described: a purposeful systematic improvement of the theory of the analytical process; the use of ultrasound and microwave radiation at different stages of sample preparation of food products, biological organs and tissues, soils and plants; analytical chemistry of noble metals, plasma, highly effective application of polyelectrolytes for analytical purposes (creation of new analytical systems and techniques, improvement of metrological characteristics of analytical
Chmilenko, F. A., Baklanov, A. N. Sidorova, L. P. Piskun, Yu.M. (1994) [Use of ultrasound in chemical analysis]. Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii – J. Anal. Chem. 49(6), 1–7. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F.A., Sidorova, L.P., Baklanov, A.N. (1993). [Concentration of iron micro-impurities by co-precipitation on a collector obtained by anodic dissolution of magnesium]. Himiya i tehnologiya vodyi – J. Water Chem. Technol. 15(7–8), 527–530. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Sidorova, L. P., Baklanov, A. N. (1997) [Manage the sorption properties of the collector by physical action]. Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii – J. of Analytical Chemistry. 52(3), 237–239. (in Russian).
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Chmilenko, F. A., Baklanov, A. N. (2001). [Ultrasound in Analytical Chemistry. Theory and practice]. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine: Vidavnyctvo DGU. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Baklanov, A. N, Sidorova, L. P., Lebedеva, E. V., Lebedeva, A. V. (2001). [Ultrasound intensification of sample preparation for spectrophotometric determination of arsenic in various food products]. Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii – J. Anal. Chem. 56(1), 18–22. (in Russian).
Minaеva, N. P., Sandomirskii, A. V., Sidorova, L. P., Chmilenko, F. A. (2009). Speedy technique of chromatographic determination of toxic metals in drinking water. J. Water Chem. Technol. 31(5), 305–309.
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Chmilenko, F. A., Sidorova, L. P., Minaеva, N. P. (2010). [Authentication and determination of trans-izomers of fat acids in butter, fatty industry (Review)]. Metody i Ob''ekty Himicheskogo Analiza – Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 5(3), 106–117. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Minaеva, N. P., Sidorova, L. P. (2011). [GMO determination in food products comparsion of DNA extraction methods]. Metody i Ob''ekty Himicheskogo Analiza – Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 6(1), 28–37. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Minaеva, N. P., Sandomirskiy, A. V., Sidorova, L. P., (2008). [Identification of dyes in beverages by high-performance liquid chromatography]. Harchova promislovIst – Food Industry. 7, 17-19. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenko, F. O., Minaeva, Yu. A., Sidorova, L. P., Shkurovska, K. V. (2014). [Extraction-chromatographic determination of the content of synthetic dyes in food products]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2, 45–49. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Minaeva, N. P., Sandomirskiy, A. V., Sidorova, L. P. (2009) / [Identification of milk products falsification by gas chromatographic method]. Metody i Ob''ekty Himicheskogo Analiza – Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 4(1), 60–67. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Sidorova, L. P., Minaeva, N. P. (2011). Complex chromatographic determination of the adulteration of dairy products: A new approach. J. Anal. Chem. 66(7), 572–581.
Chmilenko, F. A., Minaeva, N. P., Sidorova, L. P. (2012). [Chromatographic identification and determination of TIZHK in oil and fat products]. Zhurnal «NaukovI pratsI NatsIonalnogo UnIversitetu Harchovih TehnologIy» – Journal «Scientific works of National University of Food Technologies». 42, 92–96. (in Ukrainian).
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Chmilenko, F. O., Dron, M. M., Sidorova, L. P., Minaеva, N. P. (2013). Ukraine Patent No. 102548. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University)
Chmilenko, T. S., Saevich, O. V., Chmilenko, F. O. (2006) [Methodical approach to the preparation of a micronutrient portrait of the disease on the content of Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Cu in children's hair]. Medichni perspektivi – Medical perspectives. 11(4), 67–73. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenko, F. O., Chmilenko, T. S., Sapa, Yu. S., Saevich, O. V. (2006). [Chemical elements in the human body - in norm and in pathology: the Ukrinian-Russian directory]. In F. O. Chmilenko (Ed.). Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine: Vidavnyctvo DGU. (in Ukrainian).
Chmylenko, F. O., Korobov, V. I., Saevich, O. V. (2008). [Acceleration of the stages of biomedical object preparation]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 6, 106–111. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenko, F. O., Smityuk, N. M., Saevich, O. V. (2009). [Atomic-absorption determination of metals in a blood]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2, 95–101. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. O., Saevich, O. V. (2010). [Features of sample preparation soft tissues at determination of metals]. Metody i Ob''ekty Himicheskogo Analiza – Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 5(1), 14–18. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Smityuk, N. M., Saevich, O. V., Borisenko, M. L. (2011). [Expedited determination of traces of iron and zinc in samples of bone and cartilaginous tissue]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 3, 87–91. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. O., Saevich, O. V., Chmilenko, T. S. (2011). [Microwave radiation in sample preparation of biomedical tests at determination of metal]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 5, 89–92. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. O., Saevich, O. V. (2012). [Chemical analysis of blood]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 20(3/1), 47–57. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. O., Saevich, O. V. (2013). [Modern progress of multi-element analysis of biological samplestrends]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 3, 152–157. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Smityuk, N. M., Baklanov, A. N. (2002). Atomic Absorption Determination of Metals in Soils Using Ultrasonic Sample Preparation. J. Anal. Chem. 57(4), 313–318.
Chmilenko, F. A., Smityuk, N. M. (2004) [The use of ultrasound in determining the gross content of heavy metals in chornozems]. Pochvovedenie – Soil Science. 6, 685–690. (in Russian)
Chmilenkо, F. А., Smityuk, N. М., Bаklanov, А. N. (2005). [Features of ultrasonic intensification of sample preparation of different phylums of soils to definition of the mobile forms of elements and their total content]. Gruntoznavstvo – Soil Science. 6(1-2), 99–10. (in Russian)
Chmilenkо, F. А., Smityuk, N. М., Bаklanov, А. N. (2001). [Ultrasound in the determination of soluble forms of metals in soils]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 3, 12–15. (in Russian)
Smityuk, N. M., Baklanov, A. N., Homenko, G. B., Chmilenko, F. A. (2001). [Ultrasonic soil preparation for determination of soluble forms of boron]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 6, 10–13. (in Russian)
Chmilenkо, F. А., Smityuk, N. М. (2001). [About the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in soil of Dnepropetrovsk]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Biology. Ecology. 2(9), 126–128. (in Russian)
Chmilenkо, F. А., Smityuk, N. M. (2002). [Atomic absorption and atomic emission determination of Na, K, Ca and Mg in aqueous extract from ordinary chernozem with ultrasonic intensification of sample preparation]. Gruntoznavstvo – Soil Science. 3(3-4), 102–106. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Smityuk, N. M., Chmilenko, T. S., Baklanov, A. N. (2009) [Accelerated determination of mobile forms of heavy metals in soils of various types]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 3, 131–136. (in Russian)
Chmylenko, F. A., Smityuk, N. M. (2013). [Determination of manganese mobile forms in the soil extracts from the use of ultrasound at the stage of sample preparation]. Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod Univ. (Ser. Chem.), 1(29), 34–39. (in Ukrainian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Smityuk, N. M., Kovjireva, E. G. (2009). [Influence of ultrasonics on the physical-chemical characteristics of common blacksoil while the soil extraction]. Gruntoznavstvo – Soil Science. 10(3-4), 123–129. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenkо, F. А., Smityuk, N. М., Safonova, Y. D. (2012). [Using ultrasonic fields in the analysis of blak earth’s humic and fulvic acids]. Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod Univ. (Ser. Chem.), 1(27), 58–63. (in Ukrainian).
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Chmilenko, F. O., SmItyuk, N. M., Bohan, Yu. V., Nuzhna, Ya. V. (2012). [Analitic process of chemistry expertise ґрунтів on вміст важких металів]. KriminaiIstichniy visnik – Forensic messenger. 2(18), 151–156. (in Ukrainian)
Chmilenko, F. O., Smityuk, N. M., Kononenko ,Yu., Yu. (2011). [Acoustic waves in sample preparation of heterogeneous systems]. Visnik DNU. Seriya «Raketno–kosmichna tehnika» – Bulletin DNU. Series «Rocket and space technology». 4(15/2), 192–199. (in Ukrainian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Derkach, T. M., Pivovarov, A. A., Schegolihina, N. M. (1998). [Change in the state of manganese in the treatment of solutions with low-temperature plasma]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 2, 14–18. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A.; Derkach, T. M.; Schegolikhina, N. M. (1998). The change of chromium ions state in solution under the plasmochemical processing. He–Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue – Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry. 20(4), 257–261.
Chmilenko, F. A., Pivovarov, A. A., Derkach, T. M., Kuksenko, A. N. (1997). Sample preparation by plasma chemistry in the atomic–absorption determination of silver in process solutions. J. Anal. Chem. 52(4), 311–313.
Chmilenko, F. A.; Derkach, T. M.; Smityuk, A. V. (2000). Intensification of the decomposition of copper–nickel sulfide ores using low–temperature plasma. J. Anal. Chem. 55(4), 327–330.
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Derkach, T. M., Chmilenko, F. A., Krajnikov, A. V. (2005). Intensification of sample preparation for atomic absorption by plasma treatment. Visnik Harkivskogo natsionalnogo universitetu. Himiya. – Kharkov University Bulletin. № 669. Chemistry. 13(36), 83–92.
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Chmilenko, F. A., Voropaev, V. A., Derkach, T. M, Baklanov A. N. (2002). Atomic Absorption Assay of Noble Metals in Ores with the Use of Sample Decomposition by Ultrasound]. J. Anal. Chem. 57(9), 784–787.
Chmilenko, F. A., Voropaev, V. A., Derkach, T. M., Bilchenko, A. V. (2002). [Atomic Absorption Determination of Gold in Sulfur-Containing Objects after Ultrasonic Acceleration of Sample Firing]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 6, 22–24. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Voropaev, V. A., Derkach, T. M., Romanova, N. V. (2003). The fire–assay–atomic–absorption definition with use of ultrasound of the gold contents in ores. Journal of Institute of Science and Technology of Palik Efin University, 16–19.
Chmilenko, F. A., Voropayev, V. A., Derkach, T. M. (2004). [Decrease of noble metal losses in the slags of assay melting]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 1, 19–22. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Voropaev, V. A., Smityuk, N. M., Syich, A. N., Golubeva, N. A. (2004). [Determination of the content of precious metals in copper-bearing objects using]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 5, 23–26. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Smityuk, N. M. (2004). [Ultrasound at the stages of the preparation of geological information for auric, argentum and paladium]. Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod Univ. (Ser. Chem.). 11–12, 55–60. (in Ukrainian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Khudyakova, S. N (2005). Complexation of Osmium(IV) with 3-Methyl-2,6-Dimercapto-1-Thiopyrone-4 and Its Catalytic Application. J. Anal. Chem. 60(11), 1014–1018.
Chmilenko, F. A., Hudyakova, S. N., Voropayeva, E. A. (2005). [Determination of osmium (VI) in the presence of platinum (IV), palladium (II), gold (III), silver (I) and ruthenium (VI)]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 6, 43–49. (in Ukrainian)
Chmilenko, F. A.,Hudyakova, S. N., Chmylenko, T. S. (2006). Ukraine Patent No. 85511. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk National University.
Chmylenko, F. O., Voropayev, V. O., Khudiakova, S. M. (2008). [Analytical chemistry of noble metals: a manual]. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine: Vydavnyctvo DNU (in Ukranian).
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Сhmilenko, F. A., Khudyakova, S. N., Сhmilenko, Т. S. (2007). [Chemical state and forms of osmium existence in the anolyte solutions prepared for chemical analysis]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 5, 21–27. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A., Khudyakova, S. N., Kharina, A. A., Levchakova, Y. V. (2010). [Differential photometric titration of ruthenium(IV) in combination with osmium(IV), palladium(II) and platinum(IV)]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2, 80–85. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. A. Khudyakova, S. N. (2008). Titrimetric determination of small amounts of osmium in the gas condensate and mine water. J. Water Chem. Technol. 30(3), 157–160.
Chmilenko, F. A., Khudyakova, S. N. (2008). Spectrophotometric determination of osmium with the use of 3-methyl-2,6-dimercapto-1,4-thiopyrone in concentrates and alloys. J. Anal. Chem. 63(5), 439-445.
Chmilenko, F. O., Khudyakova, S. M., Romanko, M. O. (2012). [Microextractional concentration of palladium (II) for spectrophotometric determination]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 18, 64–71. (in Ukranian).
Chmilenko, F. O., Khudyakova, S. M., Klyuchnik, L. O. (2009). [Solid-phase reagent based on methyldimerkaptotiopyron for the concentration and determination of osmium (VI)]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 17(3/1), Is. 15, 15–20. (in Ukranian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Khudyakova, S. N. (2010). Sorption–colorimetric and test determination of osmium in alloys and concentrates. J. Anal. Chem. 65(9), 907-911.
Chmilenko, F. A., Khudyakova, S. N. (2013). Sorption Preconcentration and Separation of Palladium(II) and Platinum(IV) for Visual Test and Densitometric Determination. J. Anal. Chem. 68(5), 409-416.
Khudyakova, S. N., Chmilenko, F. A. (2015). [Indicator powder and indicator test-tube on the basis of methylsilicic acid immobilized with dimercaptothiopyrone derivatives as test system for the colorimetric and visual-test determination of palladium(II)]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 23(1), 30–39. (in Ukranian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Piskun, Yu. M., Chmilenko, T. S., Korobova, I. V., Zhuk, L. P. (1999). [Interaction in the system uranium (VI)–chromazurol S–polysulfonyl-piperidinylmethylenehydroxide]. Zhurnal «Koordina-tsionnaya himiya» – Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 25(6), 478–480. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Chmilenko, T. S., Piskun, Yu. M. (1998). [Stabilization of double R-surfactants and ternary Me-R-surfactant systems by ultrasonic action]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 2, 80–83. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Galimbievskaya, E. A., Chmilenko, F. A. (2011). A new approach to the spectrophotometric determination of polyhexamethyleneguanidinium chloride. J. Anal. Chem. 66(6), 600–606.
Chmilenko, T. S., Tereschenko, O. V., Chmilenko, F. A. (2007). [Spectroscopic investigation of chlorophenol red aggregation in the presence of polyhexamethyleneguanidine chloride]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 5, 16–21. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, F. O., Tereschenko, O. V., Zhuk, L. P., Zaderayko, N.O. (2005). [Spectrophotometric study of the influence of polyguanidine on the properties of dyes]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 7, 6–9. (in Ukranian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Galimbievskaya, E. A., Chmilenko F. A. (2010). [Formation bromophenol red ion associates and their interaction with polyhexamethylene-guanidine in aqueous solutions]. Metody i Ob''ekty Himicheskogo Analiza – Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 5(1), 19–28. (in Russian).
Ivanitsa, L. A., Krutogolova, T. V., Chmilenko, T. S., Chmilenko, F. A. (2014). [Validation characteristics of methods for the determination of guanidine antiseptics]. Izvestiya Vyisshih uchebnyih zavedeniy. Seriya «Himiya i Himicheskaya Tehnologiya» – The Higher Educational Institutions news. Series «Chemistry And Chemical Technology». 57(7), 41–45.
Chmilenko, T. S., Ivanitsa, L. A., Chmilenko, F. A. (2014). [Statistical characteristics of spectrophotometric method for polyhexamethyleneguanidine determination]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 22(1), 30–35. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Ivanitsa, L. A., Bohan, Yu. V., Pavlenko, Yu. L., Chmilenko, F.A. (2012). [Control of the content of polyhexamethyleneguanidine in alcohol substitute]. KriminaiIstichniy visnik – Forensic messenger. 2(18), 157–163.
Chmilenko, T. S., Ivanitsa, L. A., Chmilenko, F. A. (2014). [Spectrophotometric determination of germanium in coke, coals and plant material]. Zavodskaya laboratoriya. Diagnostika materialov – Industrial laboratory. Diagnostics of materials. 80(11), 11–14.
Chmilenko, T. S., Ivanitsa, L. A., Chmilenko, F. A. (2012). [Spectrophotometric determination of zineb with disulfophenylfluorone and polyhexamethylene-guanidine chloride]. Visnik Harkivskogo natsionalnogo universitetu. Himiya – Kharkov University Bulletin. 1026. Chemical Series. 21(44), 243–250.
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Chmilenko, F. A., Mikulenko, O. V., Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, E. V. (2007). Spectrophotometric determination of Cu(II) in water with phenylfluorone in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone and inorganic electrolytes. J. Water Chem. Technol. 29(3), 139–143.
Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, K. V., Mikulenko, O. V., Chmilenko, F. O. (2008). [Interaction of phenylfluoron with ions of Uranium (VI) in organized media on the basis of polyvinylpyrrolidon and electrolyte]. Metody i Ob''ekty Himicheskogo Analiza – Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 3(2), 184–191. (in Russian).
Matorina, К. V., Chmylenko, Т. S., Chmylenko, F. O. (2009). [Quick control of the physiologically active polymer polyvinylpirrolidon containment with the perspective of it’s use in the space conditions]. Zhurnal «Ekologiya ta noosferologiya» – Ecology and noospherology. 20(1–2), 71–77.
Chmilenko, F. A., Zhuk, L. P., Chmilenko, T. S., Kuksa, A. V., Harun, M. V. (1998). [Spectrophotometric determination of uranium (VI) with chromazurol S in the presence of a mixture of polymer surfactants]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 3, 8–10. (in Russian)
Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, K. V., Chmilenko, F. A. (2011). [Sensors with potentiometric registration of analytical signal on the basis of associates and triple metal-polymer complexes with polyvinylpyrrolidone]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 4b, 277–279. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, K. V., Chmilenko, F. A. (2011). [Triple metal-polymeric complexes as electrode-active components plastificated membrans of ion-selective electrode]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 19(3/1). Is. 17, 129–135. (in Ukranian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, E. V., Chmilenko, F. A. (2013). [Potentiometric Sensors For Determination Of High-Molecular Polyvinylpyrrolidone]. Metody i Ob''ekty Himicheskogo Analiza – Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 8(2), 63–71. (in Russian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, K. V., Chmilenko, F. A. (2015). [Electrode-analytical properties of polyvinylchloride membranes based on triple metal-polymeric complexes]. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 23(1), 40–49. (in Ukranian).
Chmilenko, F. A., Коrobova, I. V., Gurtovaya, O. V., Chmilenko, T. S. (2009). Potentiometric membrane sensors for polyvinnylpyrrolidone determination. Talanta. 78(4–5), 1259–1265.
Chmilenko, F. A., Mikulenko, O. V., Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, K. V. (2006). [Complexation of phenyl fluorine modified by polyvinyl pyrrolidone with Cu (II) ions in the presence of sodium sulfate]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 3, 8–11. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, K. V., Mikulenko, O. V., Chmilenko, F. A. (2007). [Influence of electrolytes on the systems based on phenylfluoron, polyvinylpyrrolidon and stannum(II) ions]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 6, 30–35. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenko, T. S., Matorina, K. V., Chmilenko, F. A. (2010). [Peculiarities of complex formation in the systems based on brompyrogallol red in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidon in alcohol media]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 1, 91–96. (in Ukrainian).
Chmilenko, F. O., Zhuk, L. P., Chmylenko, T. S., Karnauhova L. Yu. (2004). Ukraine Patent No. 71467. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk National University.
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Chmilenko, F. A., Matorina, K. V., Korobova, I. V., Chmilenko T. S. (2009). [Ionometric determination of high molecular polyvinyl pyrrolidone]. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii – Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2, 91–95. (in Ukrainian).
Gurtova, O. V., Ye, L., Chmilenko, F. O. (2013). Potentiometric propranolol–selective sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405, 287–295.
Gurtova, O. V., Ye, L., Chmilenko, F. O. (2013). Effect of plasticizer on the characteristics of molecularly imprinted polymer based potentiometric sensor for propranolol. Bull. Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Ser. Chem. 21(3/1), 20–34.
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