ab initio calculation, transition state, activation parameter, hydrogen bonding, solvation effectAbstract
The alternative pathways of intramolecular cyclization for oligomeric product of epichlorohydrin aminolysis by dimethylamine have been investigated at ab initio level of theory. The localized transition states geometry indicates a concerted mechanism of nucleophilic substitution, regardless of the process direction. By comparative analysis of activation parameters, which obtained in vacuo as well as in acetonitrile solution with the trace quantities of water as an «active» solvation partner of reaction, a great prevalence for the epoxide ring closure has shown relatively to the p-dioxane fragment formation. The similar energetic characteristics were also obtained in the case of complete replacement of acetonitrile with water, which indicates a steady reproduction of the values of activation barriers within the chosen theoretical approximation. In this way, the results of calculations confirm a decisive role of the polarizable effects of the medium in ensuring an appropriate level of regioselectivity and are in good agreement with the data for related processes obtained earlier.References
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