Сoumarins, Phytochemistry Analysis, Fabaceae, Lupinus, MedicagoAbstract
We have not found enough the scientific pharmacognostic works study Lucerne and Lupine that belong to the legume family (Fabaceae L.) despite wide dissemination and use them. That's why we studied by comparative and pharmacognosy representatives the common herbs from the Ukrainian flora. We have conducted a comparative analysis of the chemical composition and quantitative content of coumarins and other biologically active substances of primary and secondary biosynthesis in native extracts from the above-ground parts of the family Fabaceae L. - L. luteus L. and M. falcata L. subsp. romanica (Prodan) O. Schwähr & Klink. by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy method. It identified 22 and 38 components, respectively. A complex of biologically active compounds includes higher hydrocarbons, terpenoids, fatty acids etc. Among them – derivatives of 4 oxycoumarin: 0.20% coumarin in the raw material of Lupinus luteus L.; there are dihydrocoumarin 1.60% and 13.13% in the raw material of grass Medicago falcata L. subsp. romanica (Prodan) O. Schwarz & Klink.
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