М. А. Rozenberg, electronic chemistry, oxidation-restoration processes, corrosion of metals, magnetochemistry, chemical facultyAbstract
There was examined the way of life and creative work of the well-known scientist chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor М. А. Rozenberg, the student and the follower of Academician L. V. Pisarzhevsky who was the one of the founders and the first Dean of the Chemical Faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk University.
The scientific research of М. А. Rozenberg was mainly continuation of the works of Academician L. V. Pisarzhevsky. It was related to the electronic chemistry, magneto- and electrochemistry. The kinetics and mechanism of electron-ion reactions in solutions was studied, the idea about the catalytic role of the Hydrogen ions in these processes was put forward. This idea was the start of the application of the magnetic phenomena in chemical researches. It was shown that the permanent magnetic field restrained the processes of dissolution of ferro- and paramagnetic metals in the acids and accelerated the dissolution of the diamagnetic metals. The cycle of researches on the defence of metals and alloys from corrosion, which is important for the development of metallurgical industry of city, was conducted.
The Professor for many years taught the course of inorganic chemistry at the Chemical Faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk State University. He is the author of about 40 scientific articles and 4 textbooks on inorganic chemistry. The "Inorganic chemistry" textbook written in collaboration with L. V. Pisarzhevsky, was the first consistently expounded book applicable to electronic presentations.
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