poisonous substances, toxins, chemical weapons, weapons of mass destruction, military and dual-use goods, chemical safety, chemical disarmamentAbstract
There are no chemical and biological weapons on the territory of Ukraine, however, in the industrial and everyday use there is a large number of chemicals, which can become chemical weapons. This determines the active participation of Ukraine in the processes of ensuring chemical safety at the global and regional levels. Ukraine takes part in the leading international agreements on chemical disarmament. Ukraine signed the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and their Destruction and participated in the establishment of The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Annually, Ukraine prepares national declarations on chemical industry objects on its territory, accepts inspections of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and participates in various activities of this multilateral institute. Ukraine participates in all international export control regimes and has been actively developing the national system for controlling the international transfers of military and dual-use goods since 1991. Ukraine actively builds on the cooperation with the leading countries of the world chemical industry, international organizations and regional security institutions in the field of chemical safety. The problem of neutralization and utilization of harmful chemicals is a priority for Ukraine. The development of the national chemical safety system and the international cooperation of Ukraine will make possible the development of the foreground directions of reforming the chemical industry in Ukraine.References
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