storage, zucchini, heat treatment, antioxidants, concentrationAbstract
The article investigates the influence of exogenous antioxidant substances (chlorophyllipt, ionol and lecithin) on the duration of storage and the quality of zucchini fruit (Kavili F1 and Tarmino F1). It has been established that the use of compositions of the listed antioxidants allows for lengthening of the storage of zucchini for 6 ... 12 days, depending on the type of treatment. It has been shown that in an antioxidant composition, the optimum concentration for ionol is 0.048% and 0.75% for chlorophyllipt. It has been found out that for creating a delamination-resistant preparative form of the antioxidants the required concentration of lecithin amounts to 4%. The joint effect of optimum concentrations of ionol and chlorophyllipt, as well as of the three-component composition, which includes 0.75% chlorophyllipt; 0.048% ionol and 4% lecithin, has been investigated. It has been shown that during the application of the complex antioxidant composition, the average daily weight loss is 2.73 ... 3.14 times reduced as compared with control variants and 1.36 ... 1.86 times reduced as compared with other types of treatment depending on the hybrid of the zucchini. It has been established that the use of such a composition allows for lengthening the storage time of zucchini up to 24 days, which is twice as long as compared with the group of control. Thus the output of standard products of processed zucchini after storage is 91,88 ... 91,95%, taking into account natural mass losses.
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