pectin substances, protopectin, pectin, antioxidants, pear fruits, refrigerated storage.Abstract
Aim.The researches are devoted to regularities determination of pectin substances changes of pear fruits during refrigeration storage with antioxidant compositions treatment. Methods. The content of pectin substances was determined by titerometric method, which is based on titration with alkaline the pre-selected and prepared pectin substances before and after hydrolysis. The titration results are proportional to the number of free esterified carboxylic groups and when multiplied by the corresponding equivalents, they indicate the content of polyuronides in the pectin substances of the product. Results. It is defined as a result of researches that in the period of fruits storage the pear fruits of late term ripening are characterized by the greater content of pectin substances. During the first 30 days of storage in the fruits of control variants the insignificant increase of sum of pectin substances content was observed, during further storage its decline was fixed. During fruits storage with antioxidant compositions treatment the increase of pectin substances content lasted for 2-4 months longer, than at the fruits of control variants, and the further transfer of protopectin to the soluble pectin takes place at more slow rates. It provided the best preservation of pectin substances during storage. The basic tendency of change of dynamic hardness index of fruits was the reduction of its quantitative value during all expiration date irrespective of treatment variant. However, rates of its decline at the fruits of control variants were substantially higher. Conclusions. The most positive effect for all varieties of fruits is set with the use of composition DL.References
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