
  • Elena Belyanovskaya State Higher Education Institution 'Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering', Ukraine
  • Roman Lytovchenko State Higher Education Institution 'Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering',
  • Kostyantyn Sukhyyy State Higher Education Institution 'Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering',
  • Oleksandr Yeremin National Academy of Metallurgy of Ukraine,
  • Irina Sukha State Higher Education Institution 'Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering',
  • Elena Prokopenko National Academy of Metallurgy of Ukraine,




adsorptive heat-moisture regenerator, temperature efficiency factor, maximal adsorption, composite adsorbent.


Operational parameters of adsorptive regenerator of low-potential heat and moisture based on composite adsorbents  «silica gel - sodium sulphate» and «silica gel  – sodium acetate» synthesized by sol – gel method were studied. Correlation of the parameters such as airflow rate, switching period, and temperatures of internal and external air, temperature efficiency factor was stated. Purposeful changing the temperature efficiency factor in rather wide ranges is shown when the switching period and airflow rate variated. Maximal values of temperature efficiency factors are stated at the airflow rates and switching over time of at most 0.22 – 0.32 m/s and 5 – 10 min., when composite «silica gel – sodium sulphate» used. Regenerators based on composites «silica gel – sodium sulphate» are stated to surpass devices based on «silica gel – sodium acetate» by at least 9 – 10 % of temperature efficiency factors. Efficiency of adsorptive regenerators is revealed to be affected by the meteorological conditions. Maximal values of temperature efficiency factor of regenerators based on composites «silica gel – sodium sulphate» are corresponded with the external air temperature of –5 – 0 °C and internal air temperature of 15 – 16 °C.  


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