the composite solid propellants, burning rate modifier, ferrocene derivatives, transition metal oxides, high energy materials, high energy coordination compounds, high nitrogen content energetic materials.Abstract
Energetic materials are used in many applications, from rocket propellants, high explosives, gun propellants to various pyrotechnic devices, military or commercial. The composite solid propellants are the main chemical propulsive force behind missiles and rockets. An excellent solid propellant should have an extremely stable burning rate and a low pressure exponent. To achieve this aim one of the best ways is to add a burning rate modifier into the propellant. Nowadays, burning rate catalysts mainly include transition metal oxides, nano-metal particles, metal chelates, ferrocene-based polymers and derivatives. There are ongoing research programs worldwide to develop propellants with higher performance. The use of energetic additives is considered to be one of the practical ways to improve the energy level and other technical performances of solid propellants.
In this paper, recent developments of high energy materials are reviewed. Attention is directed to the synthesis aspects and some of the physico-chemical properties and structure of such ballistic modifiers as energetic coordination compounds, high nitrogen content materials, ferrocene-based polymers.References
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