vacuuming, connective tissue, impulse compression, Sous Vide, heat transfer.Abstract
The development of technological processes of heat treatment of meat with high content of connective tissue using elements of Sous Vide technology, which will ensure a sufficient level of collagen transfer into gluten in finished products, sufficient quality according to microbiological parameters and significantly reduce the duration of the process, is an actual task. The solution to this task will allow to significantly expand the raw material base of the production of natural fried meat products, due to the use of raw materials, previously unsuitable for this purpose.
The justification and development of an analytical model of the process of heat treatment of meat with high content of connective tissue using elements of Sous Vide technology is the goal of the work.
Differences in heat exchange in the process of bilateral heat supply to meat with high content of connective tissue in vacuum thermopakets from two-way frying in a functionally closed volume under conditions of non-rigid fixation of heating surfaces is defined in the article. The factors of intensification of the process of two-way heat treatment of meat with high content of connective tissue in vacuum thermopakets are substantiated.
The analytical model of bilateral heat supply in the process of heat treatment of meat with high content of connective tissue using elements of Sous Vide technology is proposed. The obtained model allows theoretically calculate the duration of the process of heat treatment of meat in vacuum thermopakets.References
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