technology, walnut, milk-wax ripeness, pericarp, dietary Supplement, extract, extraction.Abstract
Aim. To develop technology for dietary supplements made from walnuts to increase the biological value of beverages. Methods. The state of plant cells of the nut residue after extraction with various extractants was determined with a help of histological and chemical analysis. Microphotography of the areas selected for illustrations using a Biorex-3 VM-500T microscope with a DCM 900 digital microphotometer with software adapted for these studies was performed. The Statistical V. 6.0 program was used for mathematical processing of experimental results. The study of quality indicators of dietary supplements was carried out with a use of standard methods. Results. The expediency of using walnuts as a dietary Supplement for beverages is justified. The parameters of extraction (duration, hydromodule) of biologically active substances from fruits of milk-wax ripeness and pericarp of a ripe nut were studied. The selection of extractants was confirmed by histological studies of the plant cell of the raw material after extraction. A basic technological scheme for preparing extracts has been developed. Physical and chemical parameters of dietary supplements made from walnuts were studied. Conclusions. The introduction of the proposed technology will expand the range of natural dietary supplements and beverages with their use of increased biological value. The consumption of beverages in the daily diet will help to improve overall health of people and improve their quality of life.
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