enteral nutrition, gerodietetic products, protein component, biological value, amino acids, clinical approbationAbstract
The nutrition is the basis of human life, especially in the process of treatment and rehabilitation. That’s why the usage of products for enteral nutrition is bеcoming widespread now. In the presented article materials the protein value of the developed herodietic product for enteral nutrition, which is based of dry soluble mixtures, was estimated. The design and creation of its component composition was carried out basing on modern generally accepted data about the specific metabolic needs of older people. Provided experimental studies were conducted and their results on the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids composition, score of 8 essential and 2 conditionally essential amino acids, including the amino acid score difference factor (AASDF) (21.5 %), the protein component’s biological value (78.5 %) were obtained and presented. Clinical approbation of the developed product’s in ready for consumption form (in addition to the usual nutrition diet), conducted in State Institution «Ukrainian National Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Gerontology n.a. D.F. Chebotarev», was done using an information about an effect on the recovery of protein blood level of people with somatic diseases and injuries, in the postoperative state. The obtained experimental and analytical data give an opportunity to state the optimal ratio of macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in the developed product to the needs of older age groups, the balance of amino acid composition and high biological value of the protein component of the product. Also the obtained results of provided research make it possible to recommend the developed product’s consumption for people with high physical and psycho-emotional loads, somatic dysfunctions, diseases and injuries to restore the proper level of protein in blood, in particular, for the elderly aging groups representatives. The consumption of developed product will significantly improve the nutritional needs of the target consumers’ category, including with the accelerated metabolism, during periods of treatment and rehabilitation.References
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