К2ТіО3, сплав Pb-Sn, режим електролізу, електроосаждення, PbО2, SnO2.Abstract
In this work, the production of thermal and electrolytic triple alloy Pb-Sn (TiOx) is investigated and some properties of the obtained material are considered. Conclusions are made on the advantage of the electrolytic method in comparison with the thermal one. An alkaline tin and lead electrolyte containing potassium metatitanate has been developed. According to the criteria of the maximum content of titanium, dissipative power and surface quality, its optimal composition is determined: КОН – 100–150 g/l, SnCl2 – 16 g/l, (СН3СОО)2Pb – 75 g/l, К2ТіО3 – 0.2 g/l, glycerol – 50–60 g/l. The optimal conditions for electrolysis are a temperature of 20–30 ˚С, current density ік = 20 mA/cm2; the ratio of the cathode and anode surfaces is not less than 1 : 2. The passivated coatings photocatalytic activity research results together with their corrosion tests data and surface morphology analysis confirmed their high quality. The obtained alloy can be used as a corrosion-resistant coating, as a substrate for photo- and electroactive electrodes based on valve metal oxides, etc.
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