pine nut meal, walnut meal, fatty acids, chromatographyAbstract
The method of chromatography determined the quantitative and qualitative composition of carboxylic acids in meal of cedar (CNM) and walnuts (WNM). It was found that CNM and WNM contain a total of 36 carboxylic acids. WNM also contains more dicarboxylic and polybasic carboxylic acids, and CNM is 2.4 times higher than WNM in terms of aromatic acids and their derivatives. The nutritional value of nut meal fats was assessed. It was found that WNM fats have a higher degree of unsaturation compared to CNM - the total content of MUFA and PUFA in walnut meal is 95.79% of the total fat, and in pine nut meal - 80.19%. According to the number of PUFAs, the fats of CNM and WNM almost do not differ - their content is 53.16 and 54.82%, respectively. It is noted that PUFAs of pine nut meal are represented mainly by linolenic acid (94.6% of all PUFAs), and PUFAs of walnut meal - linoleic (57.3% of all PUFAs). Studies of the ratio of SFA: MUFA: PUFA and omega-6: omega-3 have identified the feasibility of using nut meal in food technology to balance their fatty acid composition. Nut meal contains some organic acids, mainly citric, succinic, fumaric and malic. It is noted that SHVG significantly exceeds CNM in the content of malic and fumaric acids - 5.3 and 100 times, respectively. Pine nut meal has a higher content of citric and succinic acids (2.9 and 2.2 times, respectively). Despite the fact that the total nuber of organic acids does not meet the recommended consumption standards, the use of CNM and WNM in food technology will provide opportunities to slightly increase the content of these nutrients in the finished product. It was found that the composition of CNM includes 11.27 mg / 100 g of aromatic acids and their derivatives, and the composition of WNM - 4.75 mg / 100 g, respectively. However, compared to other phenolic compounds, aromatic acids have less biological activity. In view of the above, further studies on the establishment of the content of polyphenols and polymeric phenolic compounds in CNM and WNM are promising.
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