


Dirhenium(III) complexes, G4 DNA, benzimidazole, binding constant


The aim of the work was to investigate the binding activity of the quadruple bonding dirhenium(III) compound with benzimidazole ligands to G4 DNA. Dirhenium(III) complexes with an unique quadruple bond are especially promising candidates for clinical development due to their very low toxicity, anticancer and antioxidant activity The binding affinity of G4 DNA to Re(III) complexes was obtained from UV–vis absorption titration. We have obtained data about the considerable hyperchromism and significant shift of the absorption maximum to the low wave side (blue shift) in UV-region usually correlating with a conformational change for G4 DNA on binding or complex formation for substances-groove binders. The electronic absorption titrations indicate that dirhenium complex compound with benzimidazole ligands interacts relatively strongly with G4 (Kb = 5.258·104 for c-kit1 and 4.653·104 for HTelo22). We have found, that addition of the G4-quadruplexes (ckit-1 or HTelo22) led to the intensive increase of the absorption maximum in visible region, that was the same for both nucleotides. This increasing of intensity can’t describe formation of any other complex without containing the quadruple bond. We may assume that this absorption appeared due to di(tri, poly)-merization of the nucleotide-complex compound. Hyperchromicity and binding constant of dirhenium(III) complex compound is higher for c-kit1 in comparison to HTelo22, thus suggesting that c-kit displays enhanced interaction. The HTelo22 sequence contains no free guanines besides those participating in the G4 fold whereas c-kit1 features three non-stacked guanines, making them potentially accessible for an easier covalent binding of dirhenium(III) compound with benzimidazole ligands.


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Physical and inorganic chemistry