
  • Victoria V. Evlach Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr O. Potapov Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Ukraine
  • Inna S. Piliugina Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Ukraine
  • Ganna S. Vlasenko State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Dmytro V. Bilyi Kharkov State Univercity of Food and Trade, Ukraine



bay leaf; extract; chlorodifluoromethane; freon extraction; gas chromatography.


Promising technologies of food additives are technologies that allow obtaining biologically active substances in the process of biosynthesis and extraction technologies of processing the vegetable raw materials. The aim of our work was to determine the composition of chlorodifluoromethane extract of the bay leaf using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric and flame ionization detectors. The results of the analysis of chlorodifluoromethane (Freon R22) extract of bay leaf by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric (MS) and flame ionization detection (FID) are presented. The 93 components were found, 49 of which were identified. It was established that the composition of chlorodifluoromethane extract of bay leaf includes terpenes (25.07 %), terpenoids (40.50 %), fatty acids (7.93 %), aromatic hydrocarbons (0.53 %), alkanes (0.22 %). The predominant compounds were 1,8-cineole and camphene. The presence of significant amounts of sabinen and linolenic acid was shown. These components can be used as markers for quality control and stability studies of food products made using chlorodifluoromethane bay leaf extract.


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