
  • Nataliia P. Derevianko Khortytsia National Academy, Ukraine
  • Nataliia P. Lashko Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine
  • Georgiy O. Chausovsky Zaporizhzhia State University, Ukraine
  • Kateryna S. Hostishcheva Zaporizhzhia scientific research forensic center of the MIA of Ukraine, Ukraine



vegetable juices; nitrate pollution; sorbent; thermodynamic parameters; sorption.


Today, the search for the most optimal modes of storage and processing of fresh plant products, which reduce the content of nitrates in food, remains relevant. In this work, the possibility of using natural sorbents of different nature to reduce the content of nitrates in fresh vegetable juices was studie. The juice was separated from the sorbent by filtration and the filtrate was analyzed for nitrate content by the ionometric method on a pH meter-ionometer "Expert-001". The sorption activity of sorbents was calculated according to the indicators of the total binding index (R, %) and distribution coefficient (D), sorption isotherms were constructed and their thermodynamic parameters were determined. The objects of the study were fresh vegetable juices; dispersed mineral bentonite, gelatin  and synthetic flocculant polyoxyethylene were used as sorbents. Determination of the total binding index (R, %) and the sorbents distribution coefficient (D) of nitrates from juices showed that the use of sorbents reduces the nitrate content by an average of 1.2–1.9 times. The maximum sorption activity at 3 hours of contact with the juice occurred with bentonite (total nitrate binding 16.1%; distribution coefficient 19.0), the minimum – with the synthetic sorbent polyoxyethylene (total binding 5.5%; distribution coefficient 5.8). It is established that the experimental production of Langmuir adsorption isotherms and the calculation of thermodynamic properties of sorption allow  tp optimize the choice of sorbents to reduce nitrate contamination of fresh vegetable juices. The most effective sorbents for reducing the content of nitrates in natural juices are bentonite and gelatin. The given conditions of processing natural juices by sorbents can be recommended for prevention of nitrate pollution of natural juices at their production.


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