fabric, biocidal protection, preparation, treatment, effect stabilityAbstract
An overview of the scientific literature on the provision of biocidal protection to textile materials intended for the creation of clothing has been made. The range of biocidal preparations used to produce textile materials with antibacterial properties was reviewed. At the same time, attention is paid to natural compounds as the most meeting the requirements for biocides for clothes fabrics. Peculiarities of pectins and lignin as biocidal compounds are defined. Methods which can be used to provide increased resistance of biocidal effect on fabrics are proposed. For water-insoluble biocides, the method used in pigment technologies is acceptable, namely, fixing the biocide on the surface of the fabric with a suitable polymer film, which is formed directly on the textile material during its treatment with the biocide. The use of metal compounds capable of complexing may be acceptable for fixing water-soluble biocides. The metal can form a bond with both the biocide molecule and the fiber polymer, so it is able to act as an intermediary in linking the biocide with the fiber polymer. At the same time, complexes of the polymer fiber-metal-biocide composition can be formed, in which the biocide will act as an organic ligand, due to which the fabric becomes a carrier of biocidal properties.
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