lactose; milk whey; microstructure; granulometric composition; selenium-protein dietary supplementsAbstract
Aim. To substantiate the choice of raw materials for selenium-protein dietary supplements, namely the type of whey as a matrix for their production, and to determine the subsequent possibility of using additives in the technology of culinary products for special purposes. Methods. The determination of the structural characteristics of whey lactose samples was carried out using a Quattro ESEM electron microscope at a magnification of 10,000 and 1,000 times. The analysis of the quantitative and dimensional characteristics of the investigated particles was carried out using the MS Excel software. Results. The method and mode of whey thickening have been substantiated, and the homogeneity analysis of lactose-free and lactose-containing whey samples under different thickening modes has been carried out. The ratio of the constituents of selenium-protein dietary supplements and the nature of the interaction of the components with each other have been determined. Conclusions. Analysis of the structure of model systems with the use of low-lactose milk whey and selenium salts condensed by the contact method made it possible to establish the rational content of the latter in the range of 0.0087...0.0176 %, at which the formation of a homogeneous finely dispersed microstructure is noted. This allows foreseeing high technological properties, stability during storage and use of done selenium-protein dietary supplements.
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