Keywords: cardamom; rosemary; thyme; coriander, barberry, cumin, black pepper, maceration; essential oil extracts; meat and fish ready-to-cook products.Abstract
This work is devoted to the study of the process of extracting odorous substances of spicy and aromatic raw materials by maceration, with the establishment of technological parameters of the process (hydraulic module 1:5, duration - 10 days). The yield of extractives increases with increasing temperature, reaching a maximum at 40 ° C, and then decreases. The highest yields (15.2%) were found for the extract (cumin in combination with black pepper) and (barberry in combination with coriander). Phenolic compounds were isolated in all obtained essential oil extracts, the highest content was found in cardamom fruit ‒ 4,43±0,14 mg/g. 21 recipes of meat and fish ready-to-cook products with different ratio (10-50%) of meat (chicken fillet) and fish (hake, pollock, haddock, saithe) raw materials were developed, to which the obtained extracts were added. The results of organoleptic studies showed that the most optimal samples were those with the ratio of meat and fish (haddock) raw materials 50 : 50% and meat and fish (saithe) raw materials 60 : 40% respectively, using cardamom essential oil extracts and a mixture of rosemary and thyme. It was to these recipes of ready-to cook products that essential oil extracts in the amount of 2, 3, 5 and 8% were further added. The highest scores in terms of taste and smell were given to molded meat and fish ready-to-cook products, which included an essential oil extract of a mixture of rosemary and thyme in the amount of 3% by weight of raw mince. By fatty acid composition, the developed meat and fish molded ready-to-cook products of chicken fillet and haddock fish are closer to the scientifically based WHO standards. The shelf life of the ready-to-cook products is 8 days at a temperature of 4… -6 ̊С.
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