starch, sizing, oxidation, pastes, sorption, moistureAbstract
The purpose of this work is to study the effect of the oxidative modification process on the properties of corn starch, with the aim of using it as adhesives for surface sizing of paper and the production of corrugated board. The technology of starch oxidation is based on the treatment of starch suspension or dispersion with oxidizing reagents, for example, hydrogen peroxide. This article presents the results of the properties of corn starch in the oxidation of carbon in the process of oxidation of presence FeSO4. It has been established that an increase in the strength of dry substances in dispersions of oxidized starch also leads to an increase in the strength of jellies. At the same time, the equilibrium moisture content of oxidized corn starch is somewhat lower than that of native starch samples. The data obtained makes it possible to use oxidized starches for the preparation of adhesive materials on their basis in the production of paper and cardboard.
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