icosahedral and decagonal quasicrystals, aqueous acidic solutions, specific mass change, corrosion rate, phases susceptible to corrosionAbstract
The corrosion properties of Al–Cu–Fe and Al–Cu–Co alloys that form quasicrystalline phases differing in crystallographic order, respectively three-dimensional icosahedral y-phase and two-dimensional decagonal D-phase, were investigated in this work. The structure of the alloys was studied by methods of quantitative metallographic, atomic absorption spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopic analyses. Corrosion was explored for 1–4 hours by gravimetric method in HNO3, HCl, H3PO4, and H2SO4 aqueous acidic solutions (рН = 1.0) at room temperature. After 4 testing hours, the maximal specific mass loss of the Al–Cu–Fe alloys was established to occur in the sulphuric acid and minimal mass loss – in the ortophosphoric acid. For the Al–Cu–Co alloys, maximal specific mass loss was observed in the ortophosphoric acidic solution and minimal – in the nitric acidic solution. In all investigated acidic media, the Al–Cu–Co alloys forming decagonal quasicrystals showed higher resistance to corrosion than the Al–Cu–Fe alloys forming icosahedral quasicrystals. The results of corrosion tests were explained considering the surface morphology of the samples exposed to acidic attacks studied by scanning electron microscopy. The phases containing less iron in the structure of the Al–Cu–Fe alloys or phases containing more cobalt in the structure of the Al–Cu–Co alloys are less susceptible to corrosion.
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