Stabilex stabilization system, chia seeds, raspberry puree, smoked paprika, greens, mayonnaise sauces, emulsion stability, viscosity, acidity.Abstract
In the context of the global food crisis, deepened by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the question arises of manufacturing products with specified properties of different price categories, finding new technological solutions, using unconventional raw materials that can predict and stabilize the quality of fat products, including mayonnaise sauces, mainly of natural origin. Guar and xanthan gums were used to stabilize the quality of physicochemical properties, rheological characteristics, and improve the structure. The use of hydrocolloids in mayonnaise sauces provides important indicators, such as viscosity and stability of the emulsion. In this study, we studied the effect of the Stabilex stabilization system, which is a mixture of guar gum and xanthan, on the quality indicators of mayonnaise emulsions. It was found that to obtain the stability of mayonnaise sauce at least 97 %, it is necessary to add 56 % water, 35 % refined oil, 2.6 % Stabilex stabilization system. Chia seeds, raspberry puree, smoked paprika and greens were added to the mayonnaise sauce as non-traditional raw materials, and acetic acid was replaced by citric acid. Emulsification was performed using a high-speed blender. According to the results of previous studies, the optimal emulsification conditions were selected: temperature of the aqueous and fat phases 25–27 °C, emulsification time 5 min, mixing intensity with stirrer speed – 10–20 s-1. The studied indicator of stability of the developed mayonnaise sauces testifies that during their storage these values decrease, however do not reach critical ones. After 35 days of storage, the stability of mayonnaise sauce with smoked paprika (sample №2) is 100 %, while of the control sample – 94 %. The analysis of the obtained rheological flow curves of mayonnaise sauces shows that the best viscosity characteristics belong to the sample in the recipe of which the Stabilex stabilization system and dried herbs are included in quantities of 2.5 %. The rheological properties of mayonnaise sauce with raspberry puree and chia seeds have significantly deteriorated, indicating a lack of bond strength in the system. The use of ingredients according to the developed recipes with the Stabilex stabilization system allows to obtain recipes for mayonnaise sauces with preserved emulsion properties and high stability that meet the requirements of DSTU 4487:2015.
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