organic acids, marinade, lemon, chaenomeles, cranberry, juice, beef, pork, technological and organoleptic propertiesAbstract
Aim. Study the effect of organic acids of raw fruit juices on the stability of microflora; develop recipes of kebab based on fruit marinade. Methods. Standard methods of analysis were used for research. The quality of finished food products was controlled by organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The results of experimental studies were subjected to statistical processing using standard Microsoft Office software packages. Results. The content of biologically active substances of resistant action (organic acids, phenolic and pectin compounds, etc.) in fruit juices was studied. The qualitative and quantitative content of organic acids in fruit raw materials has been determined. The influence of organic acids of fruit raw materials on microbiological indicators of juices, purees, marinades on the basis of juices is investigated and the positive influence of organic acids on formation of technological properties of semi - finished products and finished products is established. It is determined that the use of fruit juices (chaenomeles, cranberries) in the technology of small semi-finished pork and beef can not only reduce microbial contamination, but also affects the important consumer properties of the finished product. Conclusions. The expediency of using chаenomeles and cranberry juices in the technology of marinating raw meat (pork, beef) in the preparation of kebabs has been confirmed. The introduction of the proposed technology for the use of fruit acids will expand the range of natural marinades of high biological value.
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