epoxy resins; polysulfide rubber; a preliminary thioetherification reaction; polyoxypropylenetriamine; deformation-strength, adhesive and dynamic mechanical properties; epoxy group content.Abstract
The possibilities of controlling the deformation-strength, adhesive and dynamic mechanical properties of epoxy-polysulfide composites based on the products of the preliminary thioetherification reaction (PRTE) with the help of small additions of polyoxypropylenetriamine and changing the concentration of oxirane cycles in the epoxy resin are determined. It has been established that the introduction of polyoxypropylenetriamine into compositions based on the products of the preliminary reaction of thioetherification of epoxy resin with liquid polysulfide rubber (thiokol) leads to an increase in adhesive and cohesive strength, strain at break, and the work of destruction of the material. The effect is achieved both by adding polyoxypropylenetriamine to a mixture of epoxy resin with liquid thiol during PRTE, and by using it as a co-hardener when curing PRTE with diethylenetriamine. It has been shown that the presence of polyoxypropylenetriamine in the PRTE product has a significant effect on the dynamic mechanical characteristics of the cured composition. The introduction of polyoxypropylenetriamine contributes to a noticeable increase in the dynamic modulus of elasticity in the region of the glassy state of the composite and the molecular weight of the chain section between the nodes of the chemical network, as well as the maximum value of the mechanical loss tangent and loss modulus. An extreme dependence of the adhesive shear strength of adhesive joints made using PRTE products on the content of epoxy groups in the resin has been revealed. The effect of strengthening adhesive joints due to modification with polysulfide rubber is most pronounced for epoxy resins, in which the content of oxirane cycles ranges from 8 to 15 %.
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