palygorskite; nZVI; microscopic examinations; XRD; thermal analysis; adsorption; chromium(VI); uranium(VI).Abstract
Aim. Study of the structure, thermal and sorption properties of iron-containing sorbent based on palygorskite. Methods. To study the structure of the composite, X-ray diffraction analysis and microscopic studies were used. Thermal analysis was carried out in order to refine the structure of materials and to establish temperature intervals for drying and utilizing sorbents. Sorption properties of materials determined by spectrophotometric method. Results. X-ray diffraction of the obtained material confirmed that particles of nano-sized zero-valent iron were fixed on the surface of palyhorskite. Transmission electron microscopy of the samples confirmed that nanoscale zero-valent iron forms spherical particles arranged in the form of aggregates and chains. The resulting composite is characterized by a uniform distribution of nanosized zero-valent iron particles on the surface of palyhorskite. The thermal analysis of the iron-containing composite based on palyhorskite confirmed that only physically bound water is released up to 170 °С, which allows us to justify the maximum drying temperature of the material. The structural transformation of the mineral begins at a temperature above 960 °С. Under these conditions, new phases are formed, which confirms the possibility of recycling spent sorbents using ceramic technology. Exothermic effects corresponding to iron oxidation temperatures in sorbents allow us to state that the size of iron particles in an iron-containing composite is smaller than the size of nano-sized zero-valent iron obtained from a solution of ferrum(II) sulfate. These data also confirm the results of X-ray diffraction. Sorption experiments confirmed that the synthesized composite effectively removes Cr(VI) and U(VI) from aqueous environments at pH values close to natural waters. An analysis of the results of sorption studies of samples dried at temperatures from 60 to 100 °C showed that the optimal temperature for drying an iron-containing composite based on palygorskite, under otherwise equal synthesis conditions, is 80 °C. Conclusions. The structure of the iron-containing composite has been studied. The maximum drying temperature of the synthesized sorbents and the possibility of recycling spent sorbents using ceramic technology have been established.
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