phosphogypsum, rare earth elements, temperature, concentration, mathematical description, multiple regressioAbstract
Aim. A mathematical model of the process of obtaining a concentrate of rare- earth elements from phosphogypsum using nitric acid was obtained. Methods. Extraction of rare-earth elements concentrate was carried out using the acid leaching method. To identify the relationship between the parameters of the studied process of rare-earth elements concentrate extraction, the correlation analysis had been performed, namely the calculation of Pearson's linear correlation coefficient, confidence intervals and the hypothesis of the significance of pairwise correlation coefficients had been tested. Results. On the basis of experimental studies and the description of the mathematical model of the obtained data, the optimal technological parameters were established, namely, the concentration of nitric acid in the range of 24–26 % and the processing temperature of 68–70 °C. Conclusions. On the basis of experimental studies, regression equations were obtained, that allow determining the dependence on temperature and acid concentration on the extraction of the concentrate of rare-earth elements from phosphogypsum. The technological scheme for the processing of phosphogypsum with the selection of a concentrate of rare-earth elements and the simultaneous production of calcium sulfate hemihydrate is proposed.
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