edible insects, entomophagy, cultivation, white, quality, food and feed securityAbstract
Insects as a new form of food: is it a trend or reality today? During the two decades that have passed since the beginning of the third millennium, the world's need for food has been steadily increasing against the background of an increase in the population. With the growth of the planet's population, the number of environmental, social, and economic problems is increasing. The coming decades are predicted to increase the pressure on the environment, expand the use of land resources on a global scale, and increase the demand for nutrients and non-renewable energy sources. An analysis of literary sources on food and environmental security was carried out and real threats arising on planet Earth were determined. The opinion of various scientists regarding the use of insects as a promising potential source of protein and essential substances, as opposed to animal husbandry, is given, considering the greater efficiency, the smaller amount needed to obtain resources, higher food security, and ecological and economic stability. It is expected that by 2050, the number of people on the planet will increase to 9 billion, respectively, the demand for proteins will increase by 40 %, water – by 40 %, energy – by 50 %. Mankind is forced to search for new sources of protein. Cultivating insects can be part of the decisions made. If we want to save the planet, the future of food is insects
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