muffins; flour confectionery; low-calory products; carob; stevia; erythritol; consumer; market segment; production.Abstract
Aim. Scientific substantiation and development of the optimal recipe and technology for the production of muffins using functional ingredients to better meet the needs of the consumers. Methods. Standard methods of analysis were used for the research. The quality of finished food products was controlled by organoleptic, physicochemical parameters. The results of experimental studies were subjected to statistical processing using standard Microsoft Office software packages. Results. In the research, the technology of muffins has been improved due to the use of functional ingredients. The relevance of creating low-calorie muffins has been substantiated in order to embrace a bigger market segment of consumers. The effect of these additives on the properties of muffins has been determined. A study of organoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators, calculation of nutritional and energy value has been carried out. The socio-economic effect of the introduction of the proposed muffin recipes into production is presented. Conclusions. The expediency of using locust tree beans powder – carob and using stevia with erythritol to improve the taste and nutritional value of muffins has been confirmed. A recipe has been developed and the technological scheme for the production of muffins has been improved. The introduction of the proposed technology will allow expanding the range of flour confectionery products with increased biological value to enable the manufacturer to exert sufficient influence on the end consumer.
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