microalgae; Chlorella wellness drink; meat pates; protein; essential amino acids; biological valueAbstract
Aim. Develop technology for meat pâtés using the microalgae Chlorella. Investigate the effect of Chlorella on the qualitative and quantitative composition of essential amino acids, macro- and microelements in the finished product. Methods. The finished food products were studied for organoleptic, physicochemical, and toxicological parameters using standard methods of analysis. The macro- and microelement composition was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results of experimental studies were subjected to statistical processing using standard Microsoft Office software packages. Results. Developed pâtés technology using microalgae Chlorella, which is cultivated for industrial production in Ukraine and used as a food additive in dry form (powder) and as live microalgae in the form of a suspension – the Chlorella wellness drink. The effect of Chlorella on the sensory characteristics of the product, protein content, macro- and microelement composition, including toxic elements, was investigated. To characterize the biological value of the product, the amino acid score, the amount of essential amino acids, the сoefficient of difference of amino acid scores (CDAS), the coefficient of utilization (U), and the coefficient of comparative redundancy of essential amino acids (σ) were calculated. Conclusions. The enrichment of meat pâtés with K, Mg, Ca, Cu, Mn, Zn; an increase in the amount of lysine and tryptophan; and a significant decrease in the content of Cd were found. The coefficient of utilization and the coefficient of comparative redundancy of essential amino acids (EAA) showed a better balance in terms of essential amino acids. Thus, the use of Chlorella to fortify the mineral and amino acid composition has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed, which will lead to an increase in the functional properties of meat pâtés and an expansion of the range of health-promoting pâtés products.
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