chia seeds, soft drinks, xanthan gum, organoleptic characteristics.Abstract
The article contains the results of research on the development of recipes for biologically active soft drinks with a healthy effect with original organoleptic properties. Prepared drinking water, concentrated lemon juice, natural honey, sugar, citric acid, aromatizers and unconventional raw materials - chia seeds were used. Xanthan gum was used to give the drink the required viscosity. Raw materials, intermediates and finished products were analyzed by chromatographic and spectrophotometric research methods conventional for beer and non-alcoholic food industry. The studies used prepared water with a total hardness of 0.3 mmol/dm3, a total alkalinity of 1.0 mmol/dm3, a dryresidue of 450 mg/dm3, a pHof 6.5 and a sulfate contentof 25 mg/dm3. Organoleptic and microbiological parameters of chia seeds were studied. The number of mesophilic aerobic and optionally anaerobic microorganisms did not exceed the maximum allowable values, no pathogenic microorganisms were detected. The high nutritional and biological value of chia seeds has been established. The content of carbohydrates, fats and fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals was determined. The content of fatty acids in polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated forms was about 30 %. Of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, the content of linolenic (ω-3 acid) was 59.51 %, linoleic (ω-6 acid) – 18.83 %. To give the beverage the required viscosity and provide chia seeds in a suspended state for a long time, it is proposed to use xanthan gum in the amount of 3.0...3.2 g per 1 dm 3 of beverage, which corresponds to the kinematic viscosity of 5.04...5.51 mm²/s. Formulations of six experimental samples of beverages have been developed. Their organoleptic parameters are given. Drinks «Strawberry», «Lemon-mint» and «Honey» are recommended for industrial production. Their organoleptic profile is characterized, and the results of sensory analysis by color, transparency, appearance, aroma and taste are given. The drinks received excellent tasting marks. The obtained research results ensure the production of original non-alcoholic beverages with high taste and aromatic properties and the content of biologically active substances with immunomodulatory and antioxidant action.
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