iron, zeolite, filter, dirt capacity, adsorption film, water purificationAbstract
To purify water from iron compounds, were used granulated zeolite and zeolite modified with potassium permanganate. The experimental results showed that when filtering water, the modified zeolite removes iron from the aqueous environment better. The filtration cycle time depends on the initial concentrations of iron compounds in the water and continue until the critical level of resistance in the filtering unit is reached, due to the accumulation of sediment in the filter column. The calculation of the sedimentation rate on the surface of modified and unmodified zeolite has been carried out. The rate of formation of such a layer affects the efficiency of iron compound oxidation during water filtration. The rate of film formation on the loading surface in the case of filtration through the modified zeolite is greater, which indicates a more complete extraction of iron ions. After washing the filter, the modified zeolite did not lose its oxidizing power.
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