chocolate mass, plant powder, functional additive, viscosity, shelf lifeAbstract
The influence of functional components from plant raw materials on the properties of chocolate masses is investigated in this work. Expanding the range of products with a functional purpose is an actual development direction of the confectionery industry. The organoleptic parameters, appearance, viscosity, particle size composition and shelf life of chocolate masses were investigated. Selected plant components have phytoestrogenic, antioxidant and prebiotic properties. Plant powders can partially replace powdered sugar in the recipe of chocolate mass, reduce the caloric content of the finished product and increase its biological value. For example, replacing powdered sugar with functional plant powder up to 10 % has an insignificant effect on the main quality indicators and parameters of the technological process. The content of functional components more than 20 % worsens the taste and significantly increases the viscosity of chocolate masses. Samples of chocolate masses with vegetable powders had a higher moisture content than the control sample and a slight fat bloom began to appear after 60 days.
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