maritime transport; marine diesel engines; operation techniques; contamination; purification; lubricant consumption; filtration efficiency; engine performance; wear prevention; environmental impact.Abstract
Efficient oil filtration is crucial for maintaining optimal engine performance and preventing damage, wear, and potential malfunctions in marine diesel engines. Contaminants present in fuel and lubricants can adversely affect combustion and engine operation. This article explores the significance of fuel and oil purification in marine diesel engines, focusing on techniques such as sedimentation, filtration, and centrifugation.The study highlights the substantial consumption of lubricants by marine diesel engines and their vulnerability to contamination. Increased lubricant consumption can result in wear and decreased efficiency. Thus, effective oil purification methods play a pivotal role in extending engine lifespan, reducing wear, and ensuring environmentally responsible operation. Three primary methods of oil purification are discussed: sedimentation, filtration, and centrifugation. Sedimentation allows particles to settle due to gravity, filtration employs filters to capture solid impurities, and centrifugation utilizes centrifugal force to separate impurities based on density differences. To assess filtration efficiency, a practical scenario is presented, comparing full-flow, partial-flow, and combined filters. The article emphasizes the need for real-world data to make informed decisions about oil filtration methods. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of mathematical models, such as the Darcy-Brinkman equation, for understanding fluid movement and contamination distribution. Effective oil purification is essential for marine diesel engines to ensure optimal performance, reduce wear, and minimize environmental impact. By employing efficient filtration methods and leveraging mathematical models, marine industries can enhance their maintenance practices and contribute to the longevity and sustainability of their engines.
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