structural and mechanical properties, quality, gluten, pasta, noodles, flour, seeds, vetchAbstract
Relevance. Pasta products, which are products of mass and everyday use, are in wide demand today. However, the retail network mainly presents pasta products, which are made from wheat flour of the highest grade and water, and therefore belong to the so-called refined food products, depleted of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. Therefore, the development of new types of pasta enriched with scarce nutrients is very important. Aim. The purpose is to develop and substantiate an improved technology of pasta products using flour from the seeds of spring vetch. Results. A review of the scientific literature proved the suitability for practical use of various products from spring vetch seeds (including vetch seed flour) in the technologies of products not only for general use, but also for dietary purposes. Studies of the effect of adding BNV in the amount of 15.0...20.0 % of the total mass of flour have established the fact of strengthening the gluten of wheat flour, reducing its yield and affecting the physical and structural-mechanical properties of wheat dough, improving the water absorption capacity of dough with vetch seed flour, lengthening the duration of its formation, reducing stability and increasing the degree of rarefaction under the influence of mechanical processing. The technology and technological scheme for the production of noodles from vetch seed flour were developed, the organoleptic quality indicators and taste properties of the new products were investigated. Studies of the nutritional and energy values of noodles with vetch seed flour were conducted, the amino acid composion of new products was analyzed. Conclusions. Studies of the influence of adding flour from vetch seeds in an amount of 15.0...20.0 % of the total mass of flour have established the fact of strengthening the gluten of wheat flour, reducing its yield and affecting the physical and structural-mechanical properties of wheat dough. Noodles contain an increased (up to 12 %) concentration of proteins with a balanced amino acid composition, an increased (up to 3.5 %) concentration of high-quality unsaturated fatty acids, an increased content of vitamins and trace elements, which determines their high nutritional value.
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