whipped desserts; foam structure; surfactants; biologically active additive; hydrolyzate collagen; gelatin.Abstract
The purpose of the study was to select proteins for a complex supplement that is included in the recipe of whipped mousse-type desserts: collagen hydrolyzate and gelatin (type A), whose isoelectric point is in the range of pH = 6.5–8.5, in contrast to the isoelectric point of gelatin (type B) , which is closer to the pH of the whipped product (mousse) (pH = 4.8–5.2), and has a higher probability of turbidity or sedimentation. The use of fish collagen hydrolyzate separately or in combination with other proteins to form the foam structure of whipped desserts was investigated. The optimal concentration of structure formers was chosen by determining the foaming ability and foam stability of protein hydrocolloids, as well as their ratio in the complex was selected for introduction into the production technology of whipped mousse-type desserts. The foaming ability and foam stability of gelatin (type A) and collagen hydrolyzate were also investigated in comparison with dry egg white. Collagen hydrolyzate is deficient in arginine and cysteine compared to dry egg white. The high content of oxyproline and oxylysine – 15.42 % – indicates a significant content of collagen in fish raw materials. The surface tension of solutions of protein hydrocolloids in an aqueous environment and in cream with a fat content of 33 % was investigated. The presented results of studies of the foaming ability and foam stability of proteins show the influence of various factors: temperature and pH of the solution on achieving the desired result, i.e. for obtaining a complex of protein hydrocolloids at a concentration of 1.0% and with an optimal ratio of protein components of hydrolyzate collagen and gelatin (type A) 80 : 20.
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