microalgae; chlorella; ecology; organic food; feed; cultivation; safety.Abstract
Today, the need to research natural resources and their introduction into the food industry is intensifying. This is influenced by the rapid increase in the number of the population, the deterioration of the quality of food raw materials and the lack of micronutrients in it. The awareness of consumers about the quality of the diet and supporters of a healthy lifestyle indicates the need to develop food products of a new generation. Due to their high nutritional value, reduced environmental impact and economic sustainability, microalgae as functional ingredients are used to improve the characteristics of a wide range of food products. The combination of various forms of algae biomass with traditional food products will allow not only to expand the production of completely new products, but also to involve in the technological process a segment of raw materials that is new for Ukraine and is familiar to the countries of the East and Europe. Commercial and industrial interest in these organisms is gaining momentum in many countries of the world. Food and beverage manufacturers are expanding the use of microalgae in the food industry to meet consumer demand for organic products adapted to the new diets and eating habits of the world's population. Green microalgae are most popular as ingredients and biologically active additives. Their balanced amino acid composition, rich content of vitamins, macro-microelements, fatty acids, pigments gives these microorganisms advantages in filling the body's deficiency in essential substances. This highlights the importance of conducting research, implementing developments and innovations regarding the use of microalgae by society.
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