phase equilibria, phase diagram, solid solution, lattice parameters, functional ceramicsAbstract
Using information available in the literature, it has been established that in recent times, researchers worldwide have shown increasing interest in materials based on cerium oxide doped with rare earth oxides. As known, phase equilibria in multi-component oxide systems serve as the physicochemical foundation for the development of new materials with improved properties. One of the significant tasks when studying phase equilibria in multi-component systems is to determine the stability boundaries of solid solutions within a specific temperature and concentration range, as well as to identify the existence of ordered phases. In the present study, phase equilibria in the ternary CeO2–La2O3–Yb2O3 system have been investigated over the entire concentration range. An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the CeO2–La2O3–Yb2O3 system at a temperature of 1100 °C has been constructed during the research. The obtained results indicate the absence of new phase formation in the investigated system under the utilized technological conditions. Using X-ray phase analysis, it has been determined that the investigated system exhibits the formation of solid solutions based on the (F) modification of CeO2 with a fluorite-like structure, cubic (C) and hexagonal (A) modifications of rare earth element oxides, as well as an ordered phase (R) crystallizing in a perovskite-like structure with rhombohedral distortion. The solubility of CeO2 in the crystalline lattice of the ordered perovskite-like phase is approximately 2 mol. %. It has been established that this isothermal section is characterized by the formation of two three-phase regions (A+F+R, R+C+F) and five two-phase regions (A+F, A+R, F+R, C+F, C+R). The majority of the mentioned isothermal section is occupied by the three-phase regions.
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