Ferro-convection; Couple Stress; Chemical Reaction; Porous Media; Galerkin Method; Linear Stability Analysis; Normal Mode Technique.Abstract
The study delves into the impact of couple stress on the commencement of convection in a porous material oriented horizontally. This layer contains a chemically reactive ferromagnetic fluid and experiences bottom heating. The investigation utilizes small perturbation methodology to explore and understand the impact of couple stress on the initiation of convection in this specific system. With the assumption of a non-autocatalytic exothermic reaction, eigenvalues are determined utilizing the Galerkin method. The analysis explores the effects of magnetic and couple stress parameters, as well as the Frank-Kamenetskii number. The observation indicates that the acceleration of the onset of ferroconvection is influenced by both magnetic forces and chemical reactions. Simultaneously, the presence of the couple stress component serves to stabilize the system. Moreover, when the nonlinearity of magnetization is sufficiently pronounced, the destabilization of the fluid layer is observed to be marginal.
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