


heat transfer, sublimation, criterion equation, melting, fluid dynamics


Heat exchange between a solid surface and the surface of a melting or sublimating refrigerant has long been used in low-temperature engineering. With such a rich history of sublimation chillers, it's surprising that no universal and reliable methods have been developed for the design of heat exchangers that remove heat by the sublimation or melting of a solid refrigerant. A simple and universal mathematical model for the process of heat transfer from the wall of the heat exchanger apparatus to the sublimating or melting refrigerant has been proposed. The analysis of this model led to the development of a system of dimensionless criteria and a criterion equation that can describe a wide range of processes involving melting or sublimating refrigerant on the working surface. Comparison of present experimental data and calculated data shows a good agreement between the results. The equations obtained can be used to improve the design of heat exchangers with melting or sublimating refrigerant.


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Industrial gases. Chemical engineering