Polyethylene terephthalate, solid-state polycondensation, destruction, molecular weight, crystallization, transesterification, esterification, diethylene glycol, acetaldehydeAbstract
This work provides information about the current understanding of polyethylene terephthalate solid-state polycondensation. It presents overall concepts about the mechanism’s polyethylene terephthalate solid-state polycondensation due to it transesterification and esterification reactions under time-temperature dependence. By analyzing a wide range of literature sources, it was found that decreasing the dimensions of polyethylene terephthalate granules/flakes occurs to increase a molecular weight and decrease a degree of crystalinity intense then by using a standard size raw. It was shown that conducting a polyethylene terephthalate solid-state polycondensation under 210 ˚C during 8 h allow to increase it molecular weight more than in 3 times. It has been shown that the increased content of polyethylene terephthalate oligomer derivates with carboxyl group can sighnifilcally increase it solid-state polycondensation quality, but it ratio oligomers with carboxyl and hydroxyl group must be around 2 : 1, correspondly. According to shown data content of diethylene glycol and acetaldehyde can sighnifilcally slow down a polyethylene terephthalate solid-state polycondensation rate.
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