blood of slaughter animals, eggplant powder, green buckwheat, blood sausage, microbiological indicators, safety, quality.Abstract
Production of quality and safe products, particularly those with improved chemical composition for extended shelf life using plant-based ingredients, is a current imperative. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of plant-based ingredients on the shelf life extension of blood sausages and their quality parameters. The study investigated the influence of plant-based ingredients on sensory, physicochemical, structural-mechanical properties, and shelf life of blood sausage. It was found that the blood sausage prepared with the addition of green buckwheat and eggplant powder (10 %) had better sensory properties compared to the control. Physicochemical parameters of the developed blood sausage did not differ significantly from the control sample. It was established that incorporating plant-based ingredients into the recipe allows for balancing the protein-to-fat ratio (1 : 1.34), which is closer to the requirements of a balanced diet (1 : 1) compared to the control (1 : 2.02). It was determined that the inclusion of green buckwheat groats and eggplant powder using the developed technology positively affects the system's stability and water-holding capacity. The pH increased from 6.35 (control) to 6.52 (experimental), indicating a decrease in the content of loosely bound moisture from 13.74 % to 5.74 % in the experimental sample. Microbiological parameters met the established requirements, indicating the safety of the product. The research showed that introducing non-traditional raw materials inhibits the growth of microorganisms, allowing for a 24-hour extension of the shelf life of the finished product in natural casing compared to traditional recipes, as confirmed by changes in acidity and peroxide value. The results of the conducted research confirm the effectiveness and technological feasibility of adding eggplant powder and green buckwheat groats to the blood sausage technology, as compared to the control, improving the chemical composition and nutritional value of the products, inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, and extending the shelf life of the finished product by 24 hours compared to the control sample.
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