symbiosis of lactic acid bacteria, sourdough, functional components, bread, spline approximation.Abstract
Aim. An improved biotechnology for producing bread sourdough was developed based on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria and functional components – hydrated flax and milk thistle seeds, lactulose prebiotic, and ethanol extract of propolis. Methods. To assess the qua lity of the bread sourdough standard physicochemical methods (titrated acidity, dough ball rising power) and microbiological methods (viable cell count of lactic acid bacteria) were used at fermentation temperatures of the flour component 22 °C and 40 °C, respectively. Results. A spline model was developed to optimize the process, specifying the optimal content of the added functional components in the bread sourdough formulation. Therefore, it is recommended to add prebiotic components to the sourdough – lactulose (4 %), hydrated flax and milk thistle seeds (4.4 %), and ethanol extract of propolis (no more than 1 %) — to increase the titer of lactic acid bacteria, reduce fermentation time, regulate the acid accumulation process (no more than 14°T), and improve the fermentation processes. The fermentation temperature of 40 °C leads to the thinning of the sourdough, an increase in titrated acidity, and a deterioration in the quality indicators of the fermentation process, such as the dough ball rising power, which should not exceed 25 minutes. While analysed samples with the addition of functional components have a stable pasty consistency with an acidity 10–14°T and a dough ball rising power of no more than 25 minutes. Conclusions. The mathematical processing of the experimental data allowed to determine the minimum fermentation time of the flour component, which ranges from 66 hours 27 minutes to 72 hours 40 minutes. Additionally, the results of the research prove that the inclusion of functional components in the bread sourdough significantly increases the number of lactic acid bacteria, intensifying the fermentation process and improving the quality of bread products.
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