fatty acid amides; "green" chemistry; metal-containing biopolymers; oleochemistry; polyesteramides, polyester polyols; polyurethane amides; vegetable oil.Abstract
Promising directions of synthesis from renewable vegetable oil raw materials of monomeric and oligomeric oleochemical products are considered: modified triglycerides as ingredients of special-purpose polymer compositions; fatty alcohols, esters and amides of fatty acids as surfactants in detergents, cosmetics, paints, pharmaceuticals, as ecological fuel; polyols and hydroxyl-containing oligomers for the synthesis of polyurethane, polyesteramide, polyurethaneamide binders and coatings with anti-corrosion and antimicrobial properties. The synthesis routes of fatty acid amides, in particular hydroxyl-containing ones with a functionality of 2 or more, as starting compounds for promising polyesteramides are considered in detail. The strategy of synthesis from vegetable oils of saturated polyols with primary hydroxyl groups as promising components for environmentally friendly paint and varnish compositions is considered. Data on the synthesis and properties of polyurethaneamides, polyesteramides and metal-containing derivatives based on them are presented. For each product type an analysis was made of the state of development of a particular technology, as well as future prospects and existing barriers to their development. The possibility of using metal-containing polymers to create biodegradable materials and coatings with hydrophobic properties and antimicrobial activity was shown.
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