Cement, Portland cement, Noise pollution, Air pollution, Water pollution, clinkerAbstract
There was a general agreement among nations to cut carbon dioxide emissions, and many have set goals to cut emissions by 30% to 35% from 2020 levels by 2030. Only the cement and concrete industries release as much as 7 percent of the world's total CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere. The concrete as well as cement industries are fronting concerns about the usage of limestone of cement, designing concrete mixes with an ideal constituents of cement, and enhancing the durability of concrete to promote sustainability. Due to the many benefits of adding limestone to cement, several nations are currently focusing on developing Portland-limestone cement (PLC). Doing so would increase the total volume of cement while decreasing the quantity of clinker needed to generate a specific quantity of cement. A cement plant can save a lot of money, fuel, energy, and natural resources if it can get the clinker factor down. The most important chemical reaction in the process, alite formation, has been significantly improved as a result of technological advancements over the course of the last century. This improvement has been achieved by increasing the homogeneousness of the cement feed in addition to the clinker. By either depressing the reaction free energy of the intermediate compound belite and thereby inhibiting its formation or by depressing the reaction free energy of alite and thereby enhancing its formation, the thermodynamic processes provide a detailed account of this evolution. It is possible to specifically target these processes by adding effective mineralizers, such as fluoride, in a controlled manner. However, the presence of these mineralizers will always depend on the amounts of minor components that are present in the fuels and raw materials utilized. The most important benefit is that it makes it possible to incorporate additional cementitious materials into composite cements without compromising the performance of the cement itself. Because of this, it is possible to produce more clinker while consuming less fuel. This visual review summarizes the pros and cons of using limestone in cement, advancement of Portland cement production as well as its clinker. The impact of limestone on cement's physiochemical characteristics and the role of PLC research in promoting a green economy are briefly reviewed.
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