spent coffee grounds; nutritional value; biologically active compounds; food products; functional properties; consumer health; therapeutic effects.Abstract
Analytical review was conducted on information provided in 336 articles, books, laws, patents, and Internet publications included in the Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases using a wide range of search terms, including spent coffee grounds, nutritional value, biologically active compounds, food products, functional properties, consumer health, therapeutic effects. The growth of global coffee consumption and the mass production of spent coffee grounds (SCG), which contain a large number of valuable organic compounds, are a powerful antioxidant and have a positive effect on human health, led to the need for a comprehensive study of the properties of SCG and technologies for its use in food production. The work carried out an analytical review of the scientific literature, summarized the available information on the chemical and mineral composition of SKG, the content of amino acids, carbohydrates, non-protein nitrogenous compounds, caffeine, lipids, minerals and phenolic compounds, dietary fibers, other biologically active substances, which can be effectively used in various industries food industry. Data on the functional properties of SCG and its antioxidant potential, porosity, granulometric composition of SCG, microbiological safety of SCG are summarized, which allows positioning this product as a raw material for providing desired functional properties to food products. Examples of the use of SCG in the technologies of functional products are given. The impact of the use of some SCG biologically active compounds on human health has been analyzed, which makes it possible to reasonably use SCG in the technologies of various functional products with powerful therapeutic effects and a positive impact on the health of consumers.
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