maritime transportation; shipping; ecological safety compliance; ballast water treatment; ship operations management; environmental impact; sustainable maritime practices; legal frameworks; ship discharge regulations; environmental liability.Abstract
Invasive species introduced via ballast water continue to pose a serious environmental and economic problem worldwide. Although existing chemical treatment methods have been shown to be effective, their environmental and operational shortcomings remain a major challenge, especially due to toxic by-products and inconsistent effectiveness under different water conditions. This study presents an innovative integration of nanotechnology into ballast water treatment systems. Contrary to conventional approaches, the use of nanomaterials can increase pollutant sorption, minimize the use of chemicals, and reduce the formation of toxic residues. Utilizing advanced advances in nanotechnology, this research represents a paradigm shift in ballast water management, offering sustainable, efficient and regulatory compliant solutions. Thе paper describes the innovative use of specific nanomaterials in ballast water systems to simultaneously improve efficiency and reduce toxicity of byproducts. A mathematical model for predicting the effectiveness of nanomaterials under variable water conditions is developed and validated, addressing a critical gap in operational prediction. These methods align with global efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by reducing ecological risks associated with ballast water discharge and promoting cleaner maritime operations.
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