potentiometric sensor, ziprosidone, ionic associate, eosinAbstract
The energy efficiency of the formation of the ionic associate (IA) of zyprosidone with eosin was substantiated by the quantum chemical method. It is shown that the difference between the energy of formation of IA and the sum of the energy of formation of its components is equal to 110.2 kJ/mol. Therefore, the process of its formation is thermodynamically advantageous. The formation conditions were substantiated and IA was synthesized, which was used as an electroactive substance to create a ziprosidone selective sensor. For membranes plasticized with phthalates, the steepness of the electrode function is closer to the theoretical value for singly charged ions with the content of the plasticizer in the membrane with the lowest dielectric constant – dinonyl phthalate (DNР). As the dielectric constant of the plasticizer in the membrane increases, the angular coefficient of the electrode function of the sensor decreases. To characterize the plasticizers, the product of the dielectric constant of the solvent and the Rorschneider polarity (ε × PR) is proposed. The dependence of the slope of the sensor electrode function on this parameter is observed not only within the homologous series of phthalic acid esters, but also of other plasticizers, in particular, tricresyl phosphate (TCF). Moreover, solvents with a lower value of this parameter - TСР and DNР – turned out to be more effective. For the best sensor, the operating pH range is observed in the range from 3.5 to 5.5, the slope of the electrode function is 58.2 mV/рС. The linearity of the electrode function and the lower limit of detection are 5·10-5–1·10-3 and 5·10-5 mol/l Zypr, respectively. The electrode potential is established in 10–12 s and is stable for at least six weeks. The technique of potentiometric determination of zyprosidone in medicinal forms has been developed.
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